Monday Aug 29, 2022
Monday Aug 29, 2022
Seminar 4: Methods for partnering well with consumers in our research teams: climbing Arnsteins ladder
Register here: https://unimelb.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RBdldg0aTgmu_pKrYWE5uA
In this webinar, A/Prof Bridget Hamilton will draw on research work with consumer academics over 15 years to share learnings about ways to plan and conduct work that sits higher on the ladder of citizen participation. She will show how this progression generates findings with greater potency for revitalising mental health service provision.
Associate Professor Bridget Hamilton is the Director of the Centre for Mental Health Nursing at the University of Melbourne. She leads a team of clinical nurse academics and consumer academics to build up the skills and contribution of mental health nurses in Victoria, for the benefit of people receiving mental healthcare. She contributes scholarship to maximising effective engagement and supported decision-making in mental healthcare settings, while building leadership and research capacity among mental health nurses and the consumer workforce. Her program of translational research in acute, emergency and community mental health settings aims to implement and sustain evidence-based interventions, including Safewards and sensory modulation. Her research expertise spans ethnographic fieldwork in healthcare settings, knowledge translation and program evaluation, discourse analysis and narrative approaches. Across her work, she highly values partnering with consumers.